Saturday, September 12, 2009

You know...

You know you're preggo when...

  • You find yourself crying at Say Yes to the Dress. But not when the bride cries because she loves the dress, instead you cry when her mom cries because she remembers when the bride was a baby.
  • The sight of the greek yogurt (or mention or thought of it) that you loved a week ago makes you throw up a little in your mouth.
  • You realize after 10 minutes in a conversation with someone that you haven't heard the main idea of their thought because you started fantasizing about food, holding your baby for the first time, or going a whole day without feeling like something was going to make you vomit.
  • You convince yourself to stay up past 8:30 on a Saturday night, and are surprised you've made it to 10:30.
  • You have to stop eating something that tastes fine because suddenly you inhaled when it was near your face and something smelled... "footy". Even if you smell the food again and find that it was not the culprit, you are still put off by the very idea of eating it.
  • You don't want your favorite foods and crave your least (or not so thrilled about) foods. Today that meant leaving 3 (*gasp*) uneaten strawberries on my plate and going back for a second helping of those plain Lays potato chips (you know which ones, the crappy ones they give you at Sea World with your hot dog instead of french fries).
  • You find yourself eating at times not because you're hungry, but because there is some taste in your mouth (some call it "metallic") that is just downright unpleasant and needs to be masked with something that tastes good, or at least, better.

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