Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sleeping in

Here's my dilemma:

On my right side, I am reminded that my right shoulder hurts and does not want to bear weight.

On my left side, my left hip screams at me to switch to my right side.

Lying on my back just makes me feel guilty and nervous about decreased blood flow to my lower half.

To top it all off, I'm kinda starving.

I have 2 more chances at a decent sleep-in day and then it's church on Sunday and back to "the grind" Monday. Lame.

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's a marshmallow world

So I love this Christmas song:

But I don't so much love my marshmallow feet right now. Big belly has been fun so far, big chest has been irksome, but these feet! Oh my word.

Maybe if I cut the salt and drink about 4 gallons of water they'll go down and not rear their ugly head for another few months.

Hahaha, oh well, guess I need a pedicure because it might be time to start wearing flip-flops.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Preggle & Wiggleworm

I went out last night and bought myself one of these:

It's called a "preggle." No lie. Whatever you call it, it was expensive for what it is (an oddly shaped pillow with a velcro strap so you can configure it in various ways to fit the shape you need it to be for optimal sleeping comfort). I slept horribly on Monday night, and I slept alright last night. So it seems to have helped, and maybe once I figure out the best shape for me and practice maneuvering it, that will improve my sleep. :)

The main reason I stopped to write this was that our little wiggleworm is at it again! I just love feeling him move. For one thing, it lets me know he's a-ok. And it's just, well, nice. I feel more aware of him when he's wiggling and kicking and repositioning in there, and it makes me stop and say "hello." I just cherish these little moments because someday he'll be out there in the big bad world and I won't know where he is or what he's doing, but for now, I know he's safe. And this was one of those things I always looked forward to about pregnancy, and feared I wouldn't get to experience.

It's really hard to describe what it feels like, some people say it's similar to gas - but I say no way! It's way more pleasant and distinct than that (at least to me). Just more like a gentle little muscle spasm or teeny kick from the inside. It's just amazing, okay? If you haven't been there yet, you'll know what I mean when you're ready. :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wedding Ring

Aw, sad.

Aaron and I were joking at breakfast about my ring getting too small . Which was funny until I really truly couldn't get it off my finger. Even with spit followed by dishsoap. So I froze it with a bag of corn and then put a heap of lotion on my finger and still had to twist and argue with it to get it off of my finger.

So, it looks like my wedding ring will be relocating to my left pinky. Unless my poor little pinky gets so swollen it can't handle the ring, then I think I will brave wearing it on a silver chain around my neck.

I'm trying so hard not to swell up like a balloon, and at the same time trying to remember that if I do swell up I can swell down, and even if I don't it's for a good cause.

Friday, December 4, 2009


So Aaron argued with me on mustard being the red-headed stepchild of condiments and said that relish held that title.

And today, while I was debating where to go for lunch, I found myself being magnetically drawn to Fatburger. Why? Because they put relish on their burgers.

Cravings: 98,000. Kim: 800.

*sigh* If you can't find me after I get used to having a newborn around, check 24 Hour Fitness or Weight Watchers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Aaron thinks I'm crazy

It's official. The latest craving is... corn dogs.

Lori and I almost got them at Disneyland on my birthday, but didn't get around to it.

Then while I was up visiting family in Northern California for Thanksgiving, we ate Bar-S hot dogs for lunch two days in a row. They were great, but left me wishing for that corn dog I never got at Disneyland.

So, I did what any crazy pregnant lady does: I went to the grocery store on Monday night in search of some frozen corn dogs. Imagine my joy at finding Bar-S brand corn dogs!

Now I've eaten one or two three days in a row, today will make it 4 cause I'm about to go eat one before I eat my homemade chili leftovers! Ha!

Almost equally satisfying in eating a corn dog is the MUSTARD! Oh, mustard, you red-headed stepchild of condiments, I am sorry I neglected you pre-pregnancy. I promise I'll make it up to you for the next 21 weeks (lol).