Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wedding Ring

Aw, sad.

Aaron and I were joking at breakfast about my ring getting too small . Which was funny until I really truly couldn't get it off my finger. Even with spit followed by dishsoap. So I froze it with a bag of corn and then put a heap of lotion on my finger and still had to twist and argue with it to get it off of my finger.

So, it looks like my wedding ring will be relocating to my left pinky. Unless my poor little pinky gets so swollen it can't handle the ring, then I think I will brave wearing it on a silver chain around my neck.

I'm trying so hard not to swell up like a balloon, and at the same time trying to remember that if I do swell up I can swell down, and even if I don't it's for a good cause.


  1. i say just leave it on there! my puffiness just didn't puff where my ring was. and my mother in law hasn't been able to take her's off for decades! Ask around to all the older ladies you know, a lot of them can't take em off even if they tried!

  2. I had to have my wedding band sized up twice since Tim and I got married!

  3. I still haven't been able to put my rings back on...and I am 4 weeks post partum. It's one of the things I am really looking forward to. :(

