Aaron caught Isaac making this really weird face earlier while they were playing. I think it warrants a post here. :)
I really can't wrap my head around how much I love this little guy. It just blows my mind. Like there is nothing in the world I wouldn't give up or do for him in a heartbeat. Amazing how that works.
A year ago today I was dreading our infertility consult and depressed to know that 2 members of Aaron's family were expecting. I was absolutely drowning in sorrow, and now I know no greater joy than to see the smile on my son's face, or to see the way he looks at me.
I am so grateful for how the King of all creation rescued me from that sorrow, and opted to allow my womb to carry this tiny treasure. A year ago he was still a ball of cells too small to see on an ultrasound, and now here is a 13 pound beautiful boy with fingers and toes and ears and a nose. Simply amazing. More amazing yet is the fact that I get to be his mommy.
A year ago, I had no idea this was ever going to happen.
LOVE that face. Wanna pinch those cheekies!