Monday, November 23, 2009

Boy or girl?

So we really wanted to do something creative to tell friends and family, and this is what we came up with.

It reads a little better in person. If you are in doubt at the end, just pay attention to the color in the last box. It's a little blurry. ;)

And wowza, I am really feeling this little one move around a lot tonight! :) Guess all that pushing on my belly riled somebody up.

I love it! :D


  1. That is sooo adorable! I wish I would've been able to see it the day you posted it. I had to to go your Facebook and read your comments, haha. You guys are so cute :D Congrats on the baby boy!

  2. This is waaayyyyy cute Kim. You guys always have the most creative things! Congrats on the baby boy! When I talked to Becca a week before she had Ilan, I told her that my money was on you having a boy. It's also very cute to know that the Caloca name will be carried on. :)

