Sunday, August 30, 2009

Settling In

It's still kinda hard to believe.

At this point, it's not so hard to believe I'm pregnant. I know that I'm pregnant.

It's hard to believe that in 8 months, we will have a baby. That's the part that I'm having a hard time buying into. I am trying so hard to stay optimistic, but that's hard when you know so many people who have experienced miscarriage. I feel like I know more people who have gone through that than have gone through infertility.

So, that's where I am today.

This morning I woke up at 7 and pretty much wasn't able to go back to sleep even though I felt tired. I felt hungry, like really hungry, so I had to get up and eat something. I used to forget to eat lunch, or I wouldn't eat until 2pm sometimes. But now when I get hungry it's like I have to eat something NOW.

Not really having morning sickness, just getting a tiny bit queasy here and there, usually when I'm hungry and haven't eaten something. But not enough to make me feel like I'm going to yack, just like I could if I kept ignoring being hungry. ;)

I pretty much quit coffee cold turkey, but I think I might need to stop and get a half-caf today or else I'll fall asleep at church.

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