Friday, October 30, 2009

Cautiously optimistic

Well, it's 4:22pm and I have yet to take my anti-nausea medication today.

I'm not feeling perfect, but Kevin said I looked more like myself today and I haven't felt ill enough to really give much thought to taking it.

Oh, I hope the nausea part is over. I really really really really really hope so.

In other news, I have better ultrasound pics to put up but have not found the gumption to scan them and upload them yet. Perhaps tonight. We have a quiet Friday night ahead of us, thankfully.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


First things first, the answer you're all dying to know, yes, I'm still sick.

I keep hoping that I'm going to hit that magical day when the nausea disappears. I'm 13 weeks today, so I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping that might be today. Not so much.

But, at least thanks to the miracle of modern medicine, I am not puking. I definitely prefer feeling sick and not puking to feeling sick and puking.

Moving on...

In every dream I have had about this baby, SHE has turned out to be a girl. I had another such dream last night, even though I have specifically prayed for some shift in that gut feeling that it's a girl if I'm wrong. Even if just to be somewhat uncertain, instead of having this nagging "feeling" that this baby is a girl.

Last week, on Tuesday or Wednesday night, both of my sisters-in-law had dreams that our baby was a boy. Like, they both had a dream that our baby was a boy on the same night.

Which made me feel a little bit of doubt over my own intuition. Do I just want a girl that badly? Before we got pregnant I never really thought I had a preference. I actually do want at least one of each. And Aaron and I have always thought that if we did ever get pregnant, it would be a boy because of some really cool ways that prayers have been answered while we were unsure of whether or not we'd ever even be in this boat.

But I've had 3 dreams about our baby during these past couple months, and in all of them, our baby has been a girl. Last night her name was Emily - which I was hoping was going to have some great meaning or significance, but was kinda disappointed to learn it means "rival." During the month we got pregnant, while I was actually pregnant (but before I realized it), I for the first time got really attached to a specific girl's name (Vivian Grace).

So, is it a boy or is it a girl?

I can't wait to find out. I honestly believe I will be happy either way, but my hormonal pregnant self might be a bit disappointed if it turns out I'm "wrong" and it's a boy and not a girl.

Yes, you may call me crazy now.

Monday, October 19, 2009


First things first, I updated about my belly yesterday... edit... replaced with a much more flattering picture. ;)

From Baby Caloca

And, this is from today's ultrasound!

So exciting!

From Baby Caloca

I haven't thrown up since Wednesday (thanks, Zofran generic equivalent!). I am hoping that the morning sickness is on its way out, but that medication was a lifesaver while I was working at Crossroads over the weekend.

I have an NT ultrasound on Thursday, so I get to see the baby AGAIN. Woo hoo! My mom's coming with me to that one, I think she's pretty excited.

By the way, NT ultrasound is part of prenatal screening for genetic defects. I'm sure everything will be fine, but if there were to be something going on I think I would rather know ahead of time.

Ok, I am so wiped out. Time for bed!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rockin' the baby bump

Sometime between Thursday and today, my belly did a ridiculous amount of "popping".

Will post pics once I don't look like I got hit by a train... I am so tired from spending the weekend at Crossroads. :P

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Glamorous

Well, sorry for the lack of updates.

The thing is, I feel like if I keep writing about puking, those of you who don't have kids yet may be scared off. ;)

Basically, I feel sick right now. I feel sick in the afternoon, I feel sick in the evening. Not constantly, it usually comes in waves, and when the wave lasts too long, that's when I decide to go attempt to barf. Because for maybe 10 minutes after I do, sometimes longer, I feel better.

I can't wait until the "fun" stuff sets in - like feeling the baby kick! And I keep hoping that when my 2nd trimester hits I'll be some kind of super woman.

Other than that, I'm just counting down the days until my next doc appointment on the 19th. Hopefully I will get to actually hear the heartbeat at that one. :)